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Software Engineering from A to Z

Working in Software Industry requires a comprehensive understanding of the various software life cycle phases, software engineering disciplines, software techniques, project and quality management principles, in addition to the different roles and responsibilities that must come together to create a successful software product. This understanding begins once being familiar with the basic concepts and the different disciplines in software engineering.

This is an ESSENTIAL training which will give you the necessary knowledge you need to help you acquire the software engineering concepts. This course describes the different software development life cycles, the serious of software development phases, the activities that should be accomplished in each phase, the key concepts and techniques of each phase and activities, the different roles involves in the entire life cycle and their responsibilities, how different roles interact together to reach tangible output, and skill-set required for each role.
- Do you suffer from a lack of knowledge of software engineering concepts?
- How can the lack of knowledge of the key software concepts affect your career?
- How to overcome this lack of knowledge?
Numerous software engineers typically perform their activities regardless of how those activities fit into a particular methodology. So, the value of this course is great for those who suffer from any confusion in software principles or lack of knowledge in the software engineering conceptions throughout the software life cycle.

  • نوع التدريب
  • محاضرة توعوية

  • المواضيع
  • Software Development Life Cycle
    Requirements Engineering Overview
    Software Design
    Essentials of Object-Oriented Modeling Techniques
    Software Development
    Software Testing
    Software Deployment
    Software Life Cycle Models
    Agile: Principles, Values, and Methods
    Project Management Overview
    CMMI Process Improvement Model
    Database Engines
    Most Important Soft Skills
    Career Path Development

  • المتطلبات الأساسية
  • Basic Information about software.

  • جمهور
  • This course is designed for participants who plan to work in the software industry. It would be beneficial for:

    Fresh Graduates.
    Anyone who wants to learn Software Engineering.

  • الدورات ذات الصلة
  • None

  • قيمة التدريب
  • Successful completion of this course will lead the attendees to the following outcomes:

    Understand the Software Development Life Cycle clearly.
    Differentiate between the different life cycle models.
    Clarify the main phases and the key activities in software life cycle.
    Recognize the key concepts in software engineering.
    Learn the basics of object-oriented.
    Familiarity with the different roles in the software development lifecycle and their responsibilities.
    Acquire the necessary information about the agile thinking.
    Overview about project management procedures.
    Overview about CMMI as a software process improvement model.
    Outline the most necessary soft skills.
    Tips for Career Path Development.

  • عدد الساعات
  • 4 ساعات

التاريخ المقرر المكان التوقيت عدد الايام السعر  
أبريل 22, 2018 Cairio 4 Hours For Free تسجيل الإلتحاق بدورة تدريبية