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Software Practical Testing

this course aims to provide trainees with the software testing practical aspects through simulating a real work environment and transfer the best practices which allow them to be successful testing engineers familiar with the whole manual testing activities and the necessary tools and techniques required in matured software companies.

  • نوع التدريب
  • محاضرات تدريبية

  • المواضيع
  • - Requirements Validation
    - Creating a Testing Strategy.
    - Creating Testing Plans.
    - Testing Effort Estimation.
    - How to generate testing scenarios.
    - How to write test cases & test suite
    - Creating Test Cases.
    - Writing SQL Statement.
    - Using TFS
    - Defects, Reporting, Management, and Tracking.
    - Defects Analysis.
    - Agile Testing.

  • المتطلبات الأساسية
  • Participants are expected to have at least some experience in the software development life cycle.

  • جمهور
  • - Beginners who have attended ISTQB Course, and seek for knowing how to implement the core manual testing activities.
    - Quality Control Engineers.
    - Software Engineers.

  • الدورات ذات الصلة
  • - ISTQB Fundamental Testing.
    - Automation Testing
    - API Testing

  • قيمة التدريب
  • After completing the course, you will be able to:

    - Perform Requirements Validation activities
    - Select the suitable testing types applicable for different types of software projects
    - Creating a Testing Strategy
    - Writing effective testing plan, test cases, bug reports, and testing reports
    - Perform testing activities in different testing levels.
    - Identify the defect severity, priority, and perform defect analysis
    - Deal with the most popular ALM tools within the scope of software testing activities
    - Deal with the main SQL features required to validate the testing results of the functions executed in the system
    back- end
    - Dealing with the projects accomplished in an agile environment
    - Develop the interpersonal skills required to be a successful software testing engineer
    - Pass interviews in most reputable organizations
    - Market to yourself

  • عدد الساعات
  • 20 ساعه

التاريخ المقرر المكان التوقيت عدد الايام السعر  
سبتمبر 21, 2019 cairo 20 5 تسجيل الإلتحاق بدورة تدريبية