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The Way To Telecom

As the mobile become a habit in our life, there is a need for qualified engineer who has technical and business skills which enable him to support the Telecom Business Support Systems (BSS) either at vendor or operator locally or overseas.

So BSS Application Engineer is the one who is responsible for daily operations and support BSS issues, maintain the service stability and handle day to day customer requests remotely or on site.

The Objective of this course is to provide the necessary knowledge required in Telecom sector in order to support the individuals interested to work as BSS application Engineer through preparing them to master the Technical and Business Skils required in Telecom companies.

  • نوع التدريب
  • محاضرات تدريبية

  • المواضيع
  • • Define the below telecom concepts:
    o GSM network architecture fundamentals.
    o Online Charging.
    o Billing basic functions.
    o Mediation basic functions.
    o Provision basic functions.
    o CRM basic functions.
    o Telecom fundamentals, for example:
     MSISDN, IMSI, ICCID, and the subscriber profile (prepaid – postpaid – Hybrid).
     Offer, price plan, service and products.
     CDR and subscriber lifecycle.
    • Linux fundamentals:
    o Introduction to the Linux Operating System
    o Linux Distributions & Installation
    o Linux Vs. Windows
    o Most Important Linux/Unix Commands
    o File Permissions in Linux/Unix
    o Redirection in Linux/Unix
    o Linux/Unix Pipes and Grep
    o The VI Editor
    o Managing Processes in Linux
    • Database and SQL fundamentals.
    o What is a database?
    o What is a Database Management System?
    o Types of DBMS
    o What is SQL
    o Create Database
    o Creating Tables
    o Data types
    o How to query data using Where clause in SQL
    o How to use Insert Into in SQL
    o How to Delete & Update data in SQL
    o How sorting is done in SQL using ORDER BY, DESC and ASC
    o How to use Group By in SQL
    o Using Sub-Queries in SQL
    o How to use Joins in SQL

  • المتطلبات الأساسية
  • None.

  • جمهور
  • •Fresh Graduates.
    •Individuals who are interested to work as BSS Application Engineers in Telecom Companies.

  • الدورات ذات الصلة
  • قيمة التدريب
  • After completing this course, you will being familiar with the telecommunication fundamentals and the basic tools that enable you to operate and support BSS applications in major operator like Vodafone – Zain or in major vendors like Huawei – Ericsson inside and outside Egypt.

  • عدد الساعات
  • 24 ساعة

التاريخ المقرر المكان التوقيت عدد الايام السعر